The international markets are one of the specialization lines of AUGEO, collaborating with the Customers for any transaction abroad, from the internationalization diagnostics, to the search of markets and the subsequent implantation in them, providing advice in the commercial , legal, strategy and tax fields.
The 11 offices of AUGEO in the 9 countries where they are located are used by the Customers as their own commercial representation offices. From these offices, direct and permanent support is provided to the Customers’ transactions in each of the countries.

AUGEO works in the search of financing for the development projects of its Customers, from a 360° approach, selecting the most suitable possible financing lines for its Customers, whether private or public, long or short term, and also recommending improvements in the financial structure of the Customer companies.
AUGEO supports its Customers in the definition of the financial structure of their businesses, if necessary in a corrective manner, but always trying to carry out this support in a planned and preventive manner, in a way that collaborates with the Customers in the financial set-up of their businesses, and in the execution of their strategies from the financial point of view.

The commercial area is addressed by AUGEO through an integral approach, which begins by identifying the reasonable objectives of the Customer and ends in the definition of the sales and communication plans and the management of the distribution channels adapted to each service/product and to each market, and always taking into account the resources that the customer company itself can imply in each project.
The projects developed by AUGEO within the area of transactions include activities related to the development of new products and/or services, manufacturing, purchasing processes, supply chain management, quality controls and corrective measures and contingency plans.

AUGEO collaborates with its Customers to face the new challenges within the business organization, from the productivity of the systems in the company, the management and retention of talent, the management of resources, the impact of new technologies … to be able to design a process for the development of the company with a global perspective.
The professionals of AUGEO approach mergers and acquisitions operations from an integral perspective (operational, commercial, legal and tax), and have the general and market experience to be able to advise their Customers through the different phases that are involved in these processes. In this way, we collaborate with the Customers by defining the most appropriate growth strategies according to the objectives that Customers themselves have, passing these strategies through investment in opportunities, direct acquisition or divestment of assets less productive or further away from the objectives set.

AUGEO collaborates with the Customers in the global definition of the strategy of their companies, always with a global perspective, and setting up plans to implement the strategy, taking into account the resources of the Customers themselves and the market in which they operate, marking short, medium and long term objectives, and describing strategic implementation programs that have results that can be measured and corrected, if necessary, for which normally parallel contingency programs are included.